I have revised this post as I am no longer going to accept any awards or tags.
I would still like to thank Cathy at
The Stylish House for thinking of me for having an
The Stylish House for thinking of me for having an
Attitude of Gratitude
and I would like to thank her for her welcoming support
and her sincere kindness to me as a new blogger.
I respect and admire her talent and her genuine spirit!

I still think that it's important to be grateful for the good things in your life and try to stay focused on them! Even though I know that it can be difficult when times are tough!
So I'd just like to say that I have seen the best of times and the worst.
But the one constant in my life has been the love from my family.
I have a wonderful and beautiful Mom who has always been very strong and supportive.
I have a sister who I can always count on to make me laugh, and lift me up when I'm feeling blue.
Although it's hard to be as close to them as I'd like to be, with them living
*so far away*
I'm still grateful to know they are only a phone call away.
I'm grateful to have a loving patient husband, who's strength I have always been able to count on over the 25+ years of marriage during the good times and the bad .
I'm also grateful my dear friend Mary who's always there to lend an ear, and who I can always count on to laugh at the silly things I say.
I'm grateful for my doting mom-in-law, whose always concerned about my health problems, and who thinks I'm a computer genius lol! (not even close!)
Of course, I'm grateful for all the wonderful memories I have of the good times in the past, and hopeful the good times will return in the future.
In the meantime,
I'm grateful for the simple pleasures, a beautiful day, a rainy day too! A comfortable home, the beauty of nature, a bubble bath, a nice massage, good music, a good movie, pizza, and of course
ice cream!
Last but not least I'm grateful for the kindness of my new blogging friends that have graciously welcomed me to the blogging world, and I very much appreciate getting to know them, and enjoy all their inspirational talent.
Congratulations on the award! Loved your list of things you are grateful for. Good job. laurie
Thank you so much for the award and thinking of me. I really appreciate it! I hope you find blogging as much fun as I have!!!
Thank you, Sherri, for my first award! I am still fairly new to Blog Land- but I have made some great friends already! It was very sweet of you to have included me in your list! And it's nice to know I have found a new friend, also. :-) Sue
Sherri... so nice to meet you and thank you for this nice award! Welcome to blogland and I look forward to getting to know you. You'll find this to be lots of fun! Hugs!!
Hi Sherri, thank you so much for thinking of me...I truly appreciate it.
I love your statement of gratitude and I hope you continue to love blogging. Your new layout is lovely.
Thanks again, sweetie.
Thank you for coming over to my blog and getting to know me a little better. Can't wait to get to know you. Thank you for the award as well. I also got this award yesterday from another blog friend so if I get this somehow onto my blog (had to have my daughter do it) I will list you both.
GM Sherri, first let me say I loved your list of things...Congrats on your award girl..and thank you for thinking of me!! how special is that...Now I also will tell you I don't pass these awards on..If I post them I just put them up for grabs...its too hard for me to pick peeps...as I just love all of the bloggers...I know I am a party pooper girl ha ha!! But please understand.. I also added you to my list to follow and want to thank you so mcuh for following me...I have always enjoyed meeting new friends here in the wonderful world of blogging...May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria ps...I have an award on my sidebar you can pick up...its my own called Gloria-Hugs and smiles
Oh Sherrie..Thank you so much for picking me among the other wonderful woman here..Iam so touched..You are a very kind hearted person and I see why you recieved one:)I enjoyed reading your words and I look forward to getting to know you better.I really appreciate your passing it along to me..I will accept and pass it along soon....
Thank you again!!
~Many Blessing's to you!
Thank you for your sweet comments I appreciate them. I really enjoyed reading this post and learning more about you. Having you as a blog friend has made this a fun experience. Have a wonderful day and I love your new blog background! ~Cathy~
Hi Sherri...
Hehe...my name is Chari too! My dear sweet friend Melissa told me about your blog and I wanted to come over and meet you! I see that you are kind of new to the land of blog...Welcome, my friend!!! I have been blogging for almost a year and have had such a great time...met so many sweet people!!!
Well my friend, I just quickly thumbed down through your blog...I would never had known that you are new to this! I have to agree with your Mother-in-law...you must be a computer genius to have already figured this blogging stuff out! Anyway...your blog is absolutely delightful!!! After leaving this comment, I plan on spending some time going through your posts and I'll be leaving you some messages! Eeeeks...as you can tell already, I like to yak! Hope this doesn't prove to be a nuisance!
Congratulations on your blog award!!! So very happy for you!!!
Warmest wishes,
PS...Ohhh my, I can see already that we have so many things in common...for instance, just last night I found this exact same blog dress and saved it to my favorites for future use! Hehe!!! Great taste, Sweetie!!!
Congratulations on your award!!! I'm sure you are so deserving!!! I loved what you said abour being grateful...so lovely!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
Hi Sherri...
It's just little ol' me again! hehe!!! Just wanted to let you know that I went through each post that you have blogged about!!! Girl, I thoroughly enjoyed my tour! Your home is absolutely gorgeous...one of the prettiest that I've ever seen...truly! It's very evident that you love your home and that you take much pride in presenting it!
Your blog is such a delight!!! I have added your blog to my list of "follow blogs"! I look forward to your upcoming posts..and getting to know you better!!! So very nice to meet you, Sherri!!! I'm so glad that Melissa told me about your blog...
Warmest wishes,
PS...Girl, I left a message for you on each blog post! I really did enjoy each and every entry!!! Thank you so much for sharing your home with all of us!!!
Hi Sherri, Thank you so much for honoring me with this award. It will be fun to get to know one another through blogging. Come visit as often as you'd like and I will do the same. Maybe we can even share some followers... :-)
Hugs, Sue
Have you heard of this free drawing program? I am leaving the link so you can look at it, because I think you might enjoy it. It is owned by the same company I use for my kitchen designs. Another good free program is Serif, it is a simplistic version of photoshop. Have a good evening, it was sunny today, yea! ~Cathy~
Thank you bunches for the award! You made my day!
I forgot to tell you how much I love your Grandfather Clock!!! I have wanted one forever. Yours has such an interesting shape.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! My very first award and such a very special one! It's taken me while to find the time to write why I think I have an attitude of gratitude and I still have to go back and add new recipients of the award, but I will. I've been swamped with weddings and have gotten a little behind at my posting on my blog. Just want you to know how much I appreciate this award and let you know I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
Elizabeth P.S. Frozen lemonade on the beach is the best!
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