is having a Show us Your Rooster's Party,
and rooster's all over Blogland
are comin out to strut there stuff!!
Now I have to admit that I really hadn't given much thought to how many roosters I had in my house until now, and I'm wondering... is there is a point at which you go from being crazy about roosters,
to just plum rooster crazy!!
I'm not sure... maybe you all can tell me which category I fall into!!!
I'm pretty sure it's the latter!!
There are 29 photos here, some with more than one rooster in it too!
and I didn't even count the hens!!
I've got roosters outdoors....
I've got roosters outdoors....
I've got roosters on the floor...
Roosters by the door!
They're sittin on the sofa...
They're sittin in the chairs..
They're roostin on the table tops...
They're perched up on the butcher block...
and even on the counter tops!!
They're struttin on the mantle...
and down upon the hearth!
They're hanging from the window sill...
and even from the walls!