Hi!! all you sweet bloggin friends out there!
It's Outdoor Wednesday time again!

The problem I was having, was getting pics to enlarge when you click on them.
Well, it turns out that the program will automatically do it for you, that is... IF you do NOT move your pics around once you've uploaded them!! (or what is also called "dragging and dropping").
Apparently this dragging and dropping messes up the linkage to the enlarged pics...
Which of course is what I've been doing on almost every post!!
But I'm so glad to have the mystery solved now!
With Melissa and Barb's help
and an article I discovered right after they let me know, that all you had to do was just upload the pics and it would enlarge without having to do anything else.
So to all you other rookies out there, don't drag and drop if you want your pics to enlarge!!
Okay! on with today's event!
You see it was especially important for today's event, to be able to see the pics up close or you probably wouldn't be able to see the little critter in the tree that I took photos of in my backyard!
Now call me crazy, but when I saw this first pic, it was as if that little critter was saying to me
"What are you lookin at"!
...and well that made me think of the beginning of Madonna's song "Vogue" and the rest of the lyrics make me think of all you inspiring, creative, and talented ladies (and gents too) out there!
(Vogue background music now removed)
I can almost see ya out there dancing in your chair's!
Just go with the flow!
Hope you had a little fun, and maybe got your creative juices flowing for that next blog you're workin on!
Oh, and don't forget to pop over to Susan's @
A Southern Daydreamer
and check out her awesome blog and I'm sure you'll just go nuts over the other paticipants entries too!
Have a fun day!!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Sherri! What a cute post...Mr Squirrel is a star! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Yeah Sherri!
I'm so happy it all worked out for you. Would you believe that's just the way I first started loading my pics from the beginning. Turned out it was right if you want them to enlarge when clicked. If you knew how bad I was at all of this computer stuff you would laugh that I just happened to stumble upon it. HEHE! :)
{My hubby still helps me}
Well your squirrel is just the cutest lil' thing ever!
Just look at him posing for you.
It's like he is hearing the "Vogue" music too. LOL!
How precious!
Loved this OW post!
Great job!
~Melissa :)
What a FUN talking squirrel!
Great "squirrelly" post...
Hi Sherrie...
Just read your note, my friend and came right over...you had sparked my curiousity with your Vogue comment! Hehe!!! Ahhh...what an adorable little guy!!! And you're right, he does look like he's saying "What are you looking at?"...hehe! Too cute!!!
Glad that you got the photo enlarging issue taken care of! Whew...all of the computer tech stuff that this blogging requires...I'm learning, slowly but surely! So glad that you stopped by my place...thank you for the nice compliments!!!
Warmest wishes,
Squirrels can be so entertaining, can't they... I love that yours is chic too!
Hi Sherri, what an adorable post; I love it!!
So glad you worked the problem out...computers are mind boggling sometimes, aren't they????
Happy Outdoor Wednesday, sweetie.
How cute. You've brightened my day.
What a cute little squirrel in the tree. The closeups that I get of squirrels are usually in my bird feeder.
Thanks for the tech advice! I'm always wondering how to do stuff, and that was one of them. The squirrels in my yard drive my male Yorkie, Charlie Ross, round the bend.
Hi Sherrie,
loved your squirrel pictures, he does look as though he is speaking to you. thank you for sharing.
Ha... fun! I guess it was a day for talking animals! Good to meet you...thanks for stopping by....love your background! Luanne
Oh, I just love to watch the squirrels...but I've never been able to get a picture...you did a good job.
Thank you...thank you! I have the same problem with my pictures enlarging...sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. That is exactly what I do...drag them on my post...I'll not do that again. I am so thankful that I just happened to visit your blog...that problem has puzzled me for a long time. Thanks again.
HI.. thats interesting..a talking squirrell
Meridian Homes
Hi Sherri,
Sorry Iam late in visiting for OW...it's so like me! LOL!!! And don't worry about your computer problems, I am the Queen of Computer Disasters!! I have notebooks filled with instructions my kids have given me!!
Love your little squirrel, they are goofy... I have them EVERYWHERE and I still haven't figured out if they are clever or stupid! The music was a great idea along with the words!!
I also looked at your Tablescape~just beautiful. Nice to see blue & white move outdoors!! I have a lot of partial sets of dishes and Replacements is only good if you just need one or two pieces. Everyone tells me to go to ebay but I am truly afraid I will become an ebay junkie!!! And then I will never get off my laptop (I presently have 3 baskets of laundry sitting here waiting to be folded!!) ;-)
Anyway, Happy Outdoor Wednesday and TT. I skipped it this week because I have so much to do.
Have a great day!! :-D
Hi Sherri,
Arrived back home safe and sound and wandered over to say hi and see the fun you have been up to. What a cute post, that little fellow sure knows how to brighten a day. I have a squirrel I keep an eye on from my office window and he never fails to entertain. Isn’t it amazing how they are so nimble even when so high off the ground? I hope you had a good week, it is finally warming up in my neck of the woods and I am more then ready to sit outside and enjoy some nice weather. ~Cathy~
Hi Sherri,
I love your talented little friend. I can hear him singing all the way to Idaho. I love your visits to me and enjoy every message you leave for me.
Boy, you just solved my problem with my posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to help out with this evidently too common a problem. Sometimes I feel too shy to ask for the help I need with my posts.
What a cute post! That squirrel sure is smart to know that song.
I would have told you the same thing about pictures on your blog a month ago. However, I've been doing a little experimenting, because I ALWAYS move my pictures around. It seems that you can move them around if you don't load them in a certain place (left, center, right) when you upload them. I just click on "none" in the layout portion of the upload. Try it and see if it works for you. laurie
Hi Sherry,
What a cute post!!! The little squirrels are precious!!! I am glad you got your answer for your computer issues. I am so bad with all this stuff. My daughter helps me out quite a bit. How sad is that?!!! I have learned so much just from blogging and wanting my blog to be cute...a great motivater!!!
Thanks for stopping by earlier and leaving your sweet comment!!! You are always so kind and generous!!!
I really appreciate it!!!
Hi Sherri, thanks for your lovely comment about my Blue Monday. I miss your postings!
Sherri, I join several Blogland events...it really helps with the blogging ideas.
Like your music!
Hugs, Barb
Hey Sherri :)
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! Yes, it was scary...but it feels so much better now. It is much cooler and so easy to style. :)
I love the star of your show today. He's quite the vocal little thing! Thanks so much for sharing information regarding drop and drag. I'm glad you solved your problem.
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